Monday, November 14, 2005

Gin and Tonic and Smug Bastards Who Already Have Their Luggage

I just got back from dinner where I enjoyed some good seafood at a restaurant just downstairs from the hotel. As I sipped my pre-dinner gin and tonic (Bombay Sapphire, of course), I mused about the origins of this noble drink.

The gin and tonic was invented by the British in India as a means of combatting malaria. Quinine, which is still found in tonic water today, is a mild anti-malarial which was used during the time of the British Raj. Some enterprising young gent decided that he had to drink the tonic water, and he was planning on drinking a lot of gin anyway, so he may as well drink them together. It's thinking like this that helped the British assemble an empire on which the sun never set.

The squeeze of lime? Perhaps it was introduced as a means of sterilizing the glass (as it was originally in a bottle of Corona). Then again, maybe it was because it just tastes good.

As I finished the last of my drink, I realised the importance of building up the quinine level in my system before I head to Kolkata. I think I should drink a lot of g&t's this week.

I still don't have my luggage. Coming up in the elevator, I had to deal with some smug bastard who already had his luggage. Although we didn't say anything to each other or even make eye contact, his demeanor said it all. "Look at me! I have my luggage!" He entered the elevator and pressed the button for the 23rd floor. However, I'm staying on the 24th. Ha! Take that! His "have a good evening" as he left the the elevator was so fake. What a jerk. I hate that guy.


jvanblokland said...

As you know, I always search out a Jameson hot totty to cure my winter ills. Hot water, Jameson and a lemon with some cloves stuck into it.

Let me raise a Jameson in one hand and a Guiness in the other, to toast the British empire.

Gee I wish I had a book to sell like the fellow above. I especially like his well crafted comments.

Lara said...

oooh... why don't you have a fancy picture icon like joe?

and yeah. I hate that guy in the elevator too. you just know he was flipping you the bird once the doors closed on him...

hey, did you end up getting your bag last night? what are you wearing today? (and no, I'm not coming on to you. ...unless you want me to)

one last thing:
Happy birthday, love! Have a great day! and drink all the beer that you want. It is after all your special day. ;)

GregJD said...

I did get my bag. It had been delivered to the hotel, but nobody told me about it. I finally tracked it down about 11pm or so.

Anonymous said...

Kamusta Greg,

I must say your blogs are so very amusing. Must add you to my Favorites list. Your posts remind of I was pointed this way by your lovely wife. I checked out "Greg's Cooking" but alas, nothing yet posted in there. Guess who I am and you win a prize! :)

Happy Birthday by the way!

GregJD said...

Hey Patty. The "don't go to church" and Kamusta were a dead give away. :^)
Thanks for the birthday wishes.