Friday, November 18, 2005

India Bound

I’m heading out shortly to the airport to make sure that I’m good and early for my flight to Kolkata tonight. I say tonight, but it’s really going to be closer to a day and a half. If I seem a little unresponsive to emails (even more so than usual), you’ll know why. I’ll be sure to add lots of updates when I get there. Maybe not right away, but shortly after. I’ll most likely be a vegetable for a couple of days.

I took my first malaria pill before going to bed last night (at about 1:30am). I was reading the instructions for them and was blown away by some of the possible side effects. Some of the side effects include dizziness, nausea, insomnia, low white blood cell count, low red blood cell count, diarrhea, open lesions in the mouth, and hair loss. I could just imagine waking up with a wig on my pillow. Although waking up maybe wouldn’t be a problem if the insomnia hit me as well. It also said that if I threw up within the next hour I should take another pill immediately. What the hell would I throw up for? If the pill made me throw up, why would I want to take another one? Hesitantly, I took the pill. It was fine and I had a great sleep. Stupid warnings.

Have a good weekend, everybody!

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