Friday, November 11, 2005

Def Leppard's Pyromania: Rocks or Sucks?

Long before Def Leppard was the answer to "What has nine arms and sucks?", there was Pyromania. This was the first album that I ever bought and it rocked hard. Really hard. In our elementary school, we were allowed to bring in any music we wanted for art class. Pyromania was a perennial favourite along with other big-haired rock titans like Quiet Riot, and Twisted Sister.

I spotted Pyromania in the bargain rack at Future Shop the other day for the low, low price of $7.99. With "Rock of Ages" shamelessly blaring through the store's audio system, how could I resist?

I haven't listened to it yet, since I can't get it onto my iPod while I'm on the road, but once I do, I'll be sure to update. In the meantime, what's your opinion? Sucks or rocks?


Anonymous said...

I'm more of a Hysteria guy, but anything from DL is great in my books.

Lara said...

why am I not surprised that rich d is the first person to comment on this? *rolls eyes*

of course, I have no opinion of Pyromania myself, having been totally of the pop persuasion back in the day...

nowadays though I could listen to a little bit of DL as it reminds me of the time when I worked with the Muppet. ;)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Lara pop persuasion alright. I have seen your Wham! selections on Greg's iPod. ;)

DL rules, man!


Anonymous said...

I can't comment on Pyromania ... it's a little before my time. But Def Leppard ROCKS!!!