Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Paris and Bloomington: Compare and Contrast

I've left the romance, lights and brasseries of Paris for the deep-fried goodness of gravy and process cheese of Bloomington, Illinois. Could two places possibly be more different? Probably, but only if Paris was inhabited by people with monkey heads who walked backwards and said, "goodbye" when they entered a room and "hello" when they left it.

My new laptop just showed up at home today thereby re-asserting my status as alpha-geek in almost any room I step into. Dual core, 2GB RAM, wide screen with a fingerprint scanner. Oh how the yokels in Kansas next week will revere and worship me! Like a god!

My travel schedule is now booked up into May. Being the eternal optimist that I am, I cancelled the US plan on my cell phone. A big mistake was that. Might have to switch that back. I want my free North American roaming and damn the phone bill!

As I stepped out of my Mustang convertible in front of my hotel with my Starbucks decaf Americano in hand (no sugar, black as the day is long), only one thought was going through my head: I am way too cool for Bloomington.

I'm kind of curious as to who is still reading this after my long hiatus. If you're reading, leave a comment! Just click on the "comments" link below.


Colin said...

reading?? always!!, your a rockstar!

Anonymous said...

Still reading and enjoying.
Uncle ron

Lara said...

talking monkey heads... hee hee hee


Anonymous said...

Your Blog is on my daily checklist of interesting internet sites. I was waiting for Alph-Geek references to come up. Congrats on surpressing them for so long.


Anonymous said...

Just started reading now! What am I missing out on???!!!! I'm as hooked as I am to Heroes and America's NExt Top Model. I'll need to order the back-issues please.