Tuesday, March 06, 2007

10km or Bust

Since Christmas, I've been working pretty hard to get back in shape (no it wasn't a New Year's resolution), and started to do a bit of running. To my surprise, I didn't hate it half as much as I remembered and was actually able to run more than a half kilometre without collapsing in a pool of my own sweat and vomit. So, I kept it up. As is often my way, I started talking a lot of smack about how I was going to do a 10km run in the spring. Naturally this was a load of crap since I've never run more than 5km in my life until just a couple of weeks ago.

Just around the time that I decided I should reel in my expectations and maybe just go for a 5km run, my dear friend Rich decided to sign us both up for the 10km run. Although his intentions were good, I know in my heart that one day he will have to answer to a higher power for that. I believe that during the race, I will probably die. For the record, let it be known that I regret nothing.

As a result, I'm in much better shape than I was a couple of months ago. It's really made me think about how you can work so hard at something for years and then lose it very quickly if you're not careful. For example, I had spent almost 15 years grooming myself for the role of Fat Bastard's son in an upcoming Austin Powers movie, and now my dreams have been shattered all because of a couple months of careless diet and exercise.

Still nothing exciting nor interesting has happened to me in Kansas City. Stay tuned though, I have a feeling tomorrow is the day it will all go down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Greg, I'm still reading! Way to go on the running regime. I'm confident you won't die on the 10k run. Let me know if you are ever out in our direction. Cousin K in the UK.